beBetter Blog

Thanksgiving Day is a Hard Trend Too

By Joey Havens

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This week, I’m taking a quick break from the recent blog series on hard trends in public accounting (most businesses have the same or similar trends). Instead, I want to share about another hard trend: Thanksgiving Day.  It’s a hard trend because we know its coming in November every year. 

What I hope is that we do not let the fact that it comes around every year diminish how much joy we can have by being thankful.  In fact, being thankful is one of the cornerstones to living a complete and fulfilling life. Need proof?  Just write down three things you are thankful for.  How do you feel now? Maybe just a little better than before this simple exercise? It works every time, we feel better about ourselves when we are thankful. 

I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve and achieve.  I’m thankful we have a loving and forgiving God.  I am thankful for your loyalty, friendship, connection and feedback. I deeply appreciate that you care enough to follow my blog and hope that you find them informative, but also motivational in some aspect.

So this is my chance to simply say to you from the depth of my heart, THANK YOU.  I offer my best wishes for you and your family for a happy and joyful Thanksgiving Day!