beBetter Blog

The Doorway to a Better Day

By Joey Havens

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I ran across this post on social media and felt compelled to share it.  The power of a smile cannot be overstated.  It is magnetic and energizing.  So, when I saw this post, I had to watch it and share it. 

A European coffee shop called Good News has implemented a unique idea: their door only opens if customers flash a big smile before entering. This clever concept has gone viral on social media, with the video of the cafe’s innovative entrance idea amassing over 24 million views on X.  Try not to smile watching it

I promise you will get a small energy lift even if you force yourself to smile.  But the biggest impact is the people around you. For example, when you watch the video, you will find it hard not to smile.  I’m smiling like crazy right now as I write this blog.  I hope you can sense it.

A smile is a big stress reliever — even on the worst days. With a smile, we can lift our spirits and, even more importantly, have a positive impact on those around us. What if your team meeting rooms or the door to your home required a smile? Even when we force ourselves to smile, we benefit. 

Sadly, how often do we not use our beautiful smiles to impact our day and the day of those around us?  I challenge you to practice smiling more, even walking into a store as you meet other patrons, you will see a difference in people and you will certainly feel better, too.  I know it improves life at home…

CeCe:  Why are you smiling so big?

Me:  I just wrote a blog on smiling.

CeCe:  Well, stop, you look ridiculous. 

Finding purpose begins with finding significance, which begins with valuing people.  I am better because of this book, I’m confident you will be too!  Mark Cole, CEO Maxwell Leadership

Grab your copy of Leading with Significance to find more magnetic insights to help you on your unique journey. 

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