beBetter Blog

Are You Eager to Seize New Opportunities?

By Joey Havens

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“I would take a 7:30 a.m. hair appointment. I mean it, I would not hesitate.” I listen in shock as I look into CeCe’s eyes to make sure I heard her correctly. This one statement says so much about how eager we are to get our lives back. CeCe hates to get up early! However, after weeks of sheltering at home, she will do just about anything for some semblance of normalcy.

We all share that eagerness. And I think it’s good. Hopefully, we can use this energy to be bold in returning to work. Bold but safe, following the guidelines that limit our exposure and risk.

With COVID-19, every day brings new challenges and new opportunities. There are so many new things to learn. We can be eager to outlearn our competition. What’s our plan and focus?

This pandemic has closed thousands of businesses and many others are on the brink of bankruptcy or closing. We can be eager to consult with them on regulatory changes and recovery dollars. We can be eager to help them with balance sheet management, cash flow and understanding their burn rate.

What’s our outreach, our plan and our focus? Are we eager for that 7:30 hair appointment? The opportunities are open for business. If you see an opportunity — take it!