Blog Category


Being Right Is Not Always the Best Outcome

Here we go again as I have taken being right too far, and I’m certainly not without fault in this communication snafu. It started as I got home early and CeCe was finishing up outside with some yard work. We sat down for a moment and both agreed we wanted to take Oliver (our Yorkie puppy) for a ... Read more

Truth-Tellers Are a Gift

Today, February 3, CeCe and I celebrate our 20th anniversary. Hopefully, and Lord willing, as you read this, we are on the beach checking off one of our “bucket list” destinations in St. Lucia. I’ve just finished writing CeCe’s anniversary card. Now I could share the card’s contents with you, but that would be the ... Read more

How Often Do We Miss the Joy?

CeCe has asked me to run a quick errand for our Aunt Kate, who lives in an independent living facility close to our home. Aunt Kate is in her early 80s and CeCe is her primary caregiver. Today, I’m on the way to pick up a contact to replace the one that she lost.   I ... Read more

Grace for the 2020 Holiday Season

The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them. Luke 2:6-7 In my Christian faith, this is why we celebrate Christmas. This is the greatest Christmas ... Read more

Reckoning for the Broken Bed

Growing up in Batesville, MS, I wish I had a dime for every time Mom told Mike and me no fighting in this house. We loved each other and still do, but we constantly fought as youngsters. We are 3.5 years apart and like a typical little brother — he had to do everything I ... Read more

Be Intentional. #beEvenBetter

In this time of social unrest, I’ve pondered what to say to our team, what to say to you, and I choose to err on the side of “not getting it entirely right” rather than remaining silent. Racism is a problem that we continue to struggle with as a nation. And it’s everyone’s problem. Each of ... Read more

Lost Some Skin

It’s day two in Newport, Rhode Island, and simply a beautiful morning right before sunrise as I prepare to take on the Cliff Walk at The Chanler. Yesterday, I walked and jogged about two miles out on the Cliff Walk when I had to turn back so I could be at my meeting on time. ... Read more