Laying the card on my desk, I pick it back up and just hold it, thinking about my Mom who has taken the time to express her gratitude in the form of a handwritten note. There’s simply something unique and special when we get a personal handwritten note from someone.
Of course, you already know that I think my Mom is really special but this habit of hers has touched me and others numerous times over the years. My friend and partner Bruce Walt is another person that I have been so impressed with his penchant for expressing his gratitude with handwritten notes. Not only are they showing their gratitude, they also make it very personal.
What is the most valuable thing we can give another person? Time. And when we receive a handwritten note, we know someone has invested some time in us and our relationship.
I’ve always had the greatest excuses — don’t know their address, bad handwriting (terrible is more accurate), no card handy, prefer email or text, people don’t really care or notice and the all-time favorite that might get most of us, I don’t have time. But because of Mom and Bruce’s impact on me, I write more personal notes than ever.
It’s a great habit that we can all learn. Personal notes do make a difference. Read a personal note from someone and tell me you don’t reflect more on that person. It creates a connection that is hard to replicate digitally. Most importantly, let’s grow our habit of sharing our gratitude regardless of how we express it . And when we want to really connect, let’s follow Mom and Bruce with our handwritten note of gratitude.
I want to close by thanking my Mom for her many life lessons and wishing her a happy birthday (July 1). I already know just what to get you! 😉