Have you ever taken a shot to the gut? The kind that literally takes your breath and leaves you gasping for air? I had such an experience recently, and I found myself gasping at how far we have to go as a profession when it comes to female talent.
Earlier this week, I shared this experience in the AICPA Journal of Accountancy article Why women leave firms — and what we can do about it. The article reflects on personal conversations with two young female CPA stars at the 2019 AICPA Women’s Global Leadership Summit. I’m feeling devastated at the eerily similar personal experiences these women have endured. These conversations, while uncomfortable, tell me so much about where we are and where we have to go. I do my best to relay them, as well as steps firms can take to change, in the article below.
I’m making the decision to get up from this gut punch and work even harder to make sure we shine the light on a better path forward. I commit to help elevate our profession until we are known as a place where every individual has an equitable playing field and opportunities to pursue their full potential and dreams.