Blog Category


The Pandemic Saved Our Profession From Itself

Before the pandemic, members of our profession would often say they’d make changes “someday.” We had vague concepts, ideas, and experiments for how we’d change, but didn’t act on them. The pandemic, though, has pushed us forward, causing us to make genuine transformation. I believe we are healthier today because of it. Why should we not ... Read more

Dead Weight Slows Us Down

One morning, I was fishing in the front of my boat on Ross Barnett Reservoir in Mississippi. I had an odd feeling that morning that things weren’t just right; however, I wasn’t able to put my finger on it. I became engrossed in a conversation with another fisherman about our LiveScopes. When I turned around to grab ... Read more

Patching Keeps Us Moving Forward

I’m as excited as a six-year-old anticipating Santa Claus the next morning. For my Christmas and anniversary gift, I got a new Livescope on my boat (which is the latest in sonar radar for fishing). They finished the install on Friday and I’ve just launched the boat into one of my favorite crappie lakes, Eagle ... Read more