Something Is Wrong With This Elevator
Our nature is to look outward when we incur a problem or challenge. The problem can’t be us. The problem is undoubtedly the elevator every time.
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Our nature is to look outward when we incur a problem or challenge. The problem can’t be us. The problem is undoubtedly the elevator every time.
You are reading the blog of someone who once wore his Mack Weldons inside out for months. Yes, inside out and I was convinced I had them on right the whole time. So much so that every time CeCe put up the laundry, I flipped them back around after her. But one day CeCe caught ... Read more
As I move up in leadership, I am confronted with more and more things that I just don’t have a lot of experience with. I find myself wanting to make sure that I ask very direct questions and make fewer and fewer assumptions. On some matters, I want to know what the norm is. What ... Read more