The Great Detachment
We are all impacted by the workplace Great Detachment. The great news is that we are also part of the solution to transform workplace culture.
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We are all impacted by the workplace Great Detachment. The great news is that we are also part of the solution to transform workplace culture.
Each review plays a role in telling the story — capturing moments where words touched your hearts or sparked a new perspective.
What has our attention this week that is taking us away from our priorities?
The first step on the journey to becoming a leader is to recognize our purpose as individual team members.
All of us have door stops in our lives — some we have had for a long time, and some we have developed in the last year or two. Here's the key to achieve our full potential.
It’s a daily choice if we want to truly fly. Are we flying as high as our potential will allow?
In a world addicted to speed, those willing to embrace the paradoxical power of slowing down to go faster may win the actual race.
Perhaps our so-called 'lucky charms' are just life jackets we cling to, when in reality, we are all capable swimmers, just waiting for the right moment to dive in and swim on our own.
My overstuffed drawer highlighted this opportunity to #beBetter. What drawer is overstuffed in your day, team or calendar?