beBetter Blog

Opportunity Is Sitting Right in Front of Us

By Joey Havens

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Continuous line care concept

It’s 5:45 a.m., the coffee pot is beginning to brew and I can smell that wonderful aroma in the kitchen. Oliver, our Yorkie, is staring at me to let me know he would love his good morning treat as I reach over and open the dishwasher and set my favorite coffee cup by the coffee pot. Turning back, I place the glasses and cups in the middle cabinet. Bowls, one pot, one baking sheet and the big stuff are quickly put away. Easing back over to the dishwasher, I grab all of the silverware and sort it into the individual bins.  

Closing the dishwasher, I know I have just put a smile on CeCe’s face. I have discovered after 20 years that CeCe hates to unload the dishwasher. Hates it with a passion. I also know one of her top love languages is acts of service, so I am getting double bonus points today.

This has become a daily morning routine for me as I know that it sends an early morning message to CeCe that I appreciate her and all that she does for me, Oliver and our family.  

Yes, it took me far too long to realize I could demonstrate my appreciation by simply helping with this household chore. If I’m totally honest, I too frequently take for granted CeCe’s unique talents and gifts as she makes our home a fun and special place. Oh yes, I have all the usual excuses and justifications for not making her feel special and appreciated for all that she does. I know because I have used them all too often to overlook ways I can show my appreciation like unloading the dishwasher.  

Whether we are leading a big team, small team or simply contributing as a growing team/family member, how often do we overlook the numerous daily opportunities to let our team members, leaders, family members and friends know that we appreciate them. How often is that dishwasher (opportunity) sitting right in front of us?  

Considering the shortage of talent, growing turnover, people leaving for short-term money, the numerous opportunities and ease for people to move from organization to organization, the better we become at demonstrating appreciation for each other, the stronger our culture becomes, the better our client experience is and the more joy we have in our relationships. It certainly can make our home life better. How can we demonstrate our appreciation more?

Yes, CeCe, I can fold those clothes… but be careful. Ha!