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What Is That Bug?

By Joey Havens

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Boy uses magnifying glass looking at bugs

Last week, I shared about my five-year-old grandson Sully’s weekend at hunting camp and the awe of watching him ask questions and learning. I noted in the blog that Sully asked a question that I would share this week.

It’s Saturday night on a hot September evening in Mississippi. We are winding down for the day and Sully is watching the windows of the cabin where bugs and insects gather by the thousands (wish I was joking) as they are attracted to the lights inside of the cabin. Sully has a fascination with bugs and loves to learn about them including having his own book on bugs.

“Daddy, come here, quick.” Sully is pointing up above his head at a big black bug. “What is that big bug, Daddy?” Brandon comes over to take a look. “What does it say in your bug book?” “That bug is not in the bug book!” Brandon laughs and looks at me. “I have no clue. Let’s take a picture and we can look for him when we get home.”

When I heard Sully say, “that bug is not in the bug book,” so emphatically, it stuck in my mind. We deal with this every day or at least every week when we have a “bug” (issue, challenge, opportunity) that we have not seen before. These new bugs are going to keep coming with transformation all around us. Technology, regulations, reset in how people work/connect and the list goes on.

Our challenge is to be enthusiastic learners like Sully. Do the research, constantly explore new technology and share with others which always grows us the most. I have shared this with our team many times over and over. The path to our full potential is: Learn Fast, Learn Forward, Learn Together.

Learn Fast is simply the discipline to have a passion to learn and to prioritize learning time every week. Learn Forward is the courage to try things, make mistakes, learn from them and move forward to try something else. We learn the most from our mistakes and we do not have time to be certain today. Moving forward is better than sitting still. Learn together, there’s too much information, knowledge and wisdom for us to make this journey alone. When we share, we help others but the best part of this strategy — we learn also. I am always amazed when I share with others, how much I receive in return.

So the new bug is not in the book. No surprise! Learn Fast, Learn Forward, Learn Together.

Curiosity Matters