Learn Fast, Learn Forward, Learn Together
We are in an exponential world where change is the slowest it is going to be today. This concept presents learning as a positive mindset.
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We are in an exponential world where change is the slowest it is going to be today. This concept presents learning as a positive mindset.
Just as my ability to learn the left side of the road opened new sights and opportunities for CeCe and me, the same will be true for you, your business, and your career as you push to the forefront to be a lifelong learner.
While it was a moment of unexpected luck, it’s not entirely a wild fluke. Here's why.
Let’s walk out of the closet today and use a positive attitude and confidence to help us reach our full potential.
How often do we use good intentions to justify our lapses in judgment? This story underlines a juicy leadership lesson for us all.
Lessons from a three-time national champion that sound simple, but like most things that have a big impact, it’s easy to not do.
New bugs are going to keep coming with transformation all around us. Our challenge is to be enthusiastic learners like Sully.
developing the discipline to read 15 minutes a day on one specific subject provides you enough knowledge over three years to be an expert when compared to others knowledge of the subject matter.
Here are three “truths” my parents shared with me over 40 years ago that still ring true today.