beBetter Blog

Your Boat Is Not for Everyone

By Joey Havens

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It’s a sunny, breezy day on Grenada Lake, MS, and I can feel the sun’s rays on my shoulders. It’s the kind of day on the water that you dream about. Pulling my boat up into a very dense area that is plush with green ironwoods and cypress trees, I am anticipating the excitement of catching a stringer full of crappie as I wade in the flooded wood line. Moving into the woods, the water is about pocket deep, and it’s really good color, not muddy, so it will be easier for the crappie to see my colorful jig.

Before I can fish the first cypress tree, I’m startled as I hear a voice hollering at me.  Thinking I’m all alone in this section of the woods, I begin searching for the source of this voice.  There’s a man in waders and a red shirt quickly making his way towards me.  

Hey, is that a camouflage boat just past you?


I lost my boat and I have been walking a long time, as he begins to head past me towards my boat.

Well, the camouflage boat over there is mine, as I glance towards my boat.   

Oh, did you see another boat? 

No, I didn’t and I believe you are walking in the wrong direction because it would be hard to park a boat on the other side of mine. 

I’m already thinking about how he is walking too fast, stirring up the mud and water in this area I wanted to fish. He walks around in a couple of more circles and heads back out in the direction he came from.  I truly hope he found that boat as I can hear and see the panic in his voice and his nervous steps as he goes out of sight.  I continue to wade but keep a close eye on my boat! HA!

You see, my boat is not just any ordinary boat. It’s my escape, my sanctuary, my happy place. And like any valuable possession or relationship, I want to make sure it’s in good hands.

That man scrambling through the woods looking for his lost boat reminded me of how important it is to protect what we have. In this case, our organization and team. Just like I wouldn’t let a stranger take my boat out for a spin without knowing their experience and intentions, we shouldn’t rush into hiring someone just because they say they want to be a part of our organization.

Chances are we will meet people who say they want to be in a boat just like ours. Frequently, we hear this is just the opportunity I have been looking for. It’s important to thoroughly evaluate potential candidates, not just based on their skills and qualifications, but also their values and goals. Are they really the right fit for our boat? Will they help us reach our desired destination, or will they steer us off course?

In the end, it’s better to take our time and make the right decision than to rush into hiring someone who may not be a good fit. So next time you’re searching for new talent for your organization, remember that your boat is not for everyone. And that’s okay because we want to create a team that works well together, supports each other, and ultimately helps us achieve our goals.

The one thing that is more expensive than not finding a person for your boat is hiring the wrong one. Take the time to find the right people who will help navigate your organization toward success. And maybe even take a break and go out on a boat ride to clear your mind and recharge your batteries.

CeCe, are you up for a boat ride this afternoon? Happy fishing! ⛵️🎣

If you want to be part of building something bigger than yourself, this book is a great place to start! Jon Gordon on Leading with Significance

Grab your copy of Leading with Significance to find more magnetic insights to help you on your unique journey. 

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