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Different world perception.

A Side of Perspective

This funny incident does provide us some insights into how quick we can be to make assumptions and establish opinions with little information. Our brains are programmed to be lazy and use our prior experiences to make quick easy decisions. It’s when we take our assumptions, withhold a quick decision and test those assumptions against more information or contrary information that we make better decisions. How often do we take a position on a matter that really if we simply looked at the other side of the coin, it’s not really a big deal. 

Looking Into the Mirror

A few weeks ago, I presented at the 2017 Southeastern Accounting Show hosted by the Georgia Society of CPA’s. Leaving, I found myself stunned by the lack of preparedness of our profession from a grassroots perspective. And I wondered—as we look into the mirror, are we spiraling towards irrelevancy because we are fooling ourselves? Consider these ... Read more