Taxi Driver Reflection
This leadership lesson applies to every relationship, business and friend.
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This leadership lesson applies to every relationship, business and friend.
We all enjoy some praise from time to time. Are we applauding others enough when they do the right things?
Each review plays a role in telling the story — capturing moments where words touched your hearts or sparked a new perspective.
My hearing is bad and when I am distracted — it's worse. I believe this happens to a lot of us, whether we have good hearing or not.
I already knew I was not good at taking care of plants but trying to keep this one alive taught me two surprising life lessons.
When we are the most frustrated, it's our persistence and how we respond that will determine our outcome.
It really doesn’t matter how we might have failed to love abundantly in the past, what matters is how we express our love and caring today and in the future.
This practice keeps me grounded and opens my heart wide to gratitude, reminding me that there are people who dream of having a sliver of what I often take for granted.
We all have these days, and the better we understand how we can create our little push, we will always be able to deliver big results.