Home Runs and High Fives
We all enjoy some praise from time to time. Are we applauding others enough when they do the right things?
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We all enjoy some praise from time to time. Are we applauding others enough when they do the right things?
Each review plays a role in telling the story — capturing moments where words touched your hearts or sparked a new perspective.
I already knew I was not good at taking care of plants but trying to keep this one alive taught me two surprising life lessons.
When we are the most frustrated, it's our persistence and how we respond that will determine our outcome.
Sometimes, when we're covered in what seems to be a mess, we can find something sparkling underneath if we push forward.
Our actions, even the smallest ones, tell a story to someone else.
Self-awareness is the best way to stay out of the turkey pen. Use reflections like these to #beBetter.
This is what real leadership is about — demonstrating the appreciation and recognition of team members.
Data can give us lots of insights, however, to become actionable, they must be communicated.