Client Referrals Are Golden
As I watched, it struck me how these spontaneous, genuine recommendations were a lot like the business referrals I've been chatting about with my clients lately..
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As I watched, it struck me how these spontaneous, genuine recommendations were a lot like the business referrals I've been chatting about with my clients lately..
Can you think of times when your commitments are too vague or lead to missed expectations?
When the captain comes out of the cockpit and grabs the microphone, it's never a good sign. But this is one of the best announcements of news we did not want I have ever heard and an awesome lesson in customer service.
How often do we try to serve clients by solving the wrong problem?
Do you think a point of view is important? Clients are looking for advisors with a point of view, and we will need to challenge theirs when they are not being realistic about the challenges they are facing or the opportunities they are missing. This blog is the fifth part of a series meant to ... Read more
This blog is the fourth part of a series that outlines the Four Building Blocks to Move to Advisory Services. We’ve already discussed the first two blocks: MINDSET SHIFT and CONFIDENCE. ANTICIPATORY SKILLS is the third building block to move our organizations towards advisory services and seize our future by being relevant — starting now. I believe this is ... Read more
Building Block Two in this series [meant to outline the Four Building Blocks to Move to Advisory Services] is Confidence. How do we move our organizations towards advisory services? How do we seize our future by being relevant starting now? I think there are four foundational building blocks. Last week, we discussed the first block: MINDSET SHIFT. I say this to combat ... Read more
A recent beBetter blog, Price is Rarely the Issue, generated some interesting comments and thoughts. One that really caught my attention was from a HORNE team member in Tennessee, David Friedt. David shared a humorous story about how a car salesman was attempting to make a car distinctive with some of the features. “I was really ... Read more
I’ve just finished lunch with my partner and good friend before he leaves for a week-long Disney trip with his family. He shared some of the activities they had planned and how some things had changed due to COVID. It sounded exciting for someone who loves Disney. (Not me, but my grandkids are anxiously waiting). ... Read more