How To Kill a Plant
I already knew I was not good at taking care of plants but trying to keep this one alive taught me two surprising life lessons.
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I already knew I was not good at taking care of plants but trying to keep this one alive taught me two surprising life lessons.
When we are the most frustrated, it's our persistence and how we respond that will determine our outcome.
It really doesn’t matter how we might have failed to love abundantly in the past, what matters is how we express our love and caring today and in the future.
This practice keeps me grounded and opens my heart wide to gratitude, reminding me that there are people who dream of having a sliver of what I often take for granted.
We all have these days, and the better we understand how we can create our little push, we will always be able to deliver big results.
How often do we ignore the signs of change in our career or business and wait, hoping the status quo will hold a little longer?
Sometimes, when we're covered in what seems to be a mess, we can find something sparkling underneath if we push forward.
I hope this helps you avoid a wasted opportunity or day and continue on a journey that keeps you aligned with your values.
Our actions, even the smallest ones, tell a story to someone else.